
Agriculture and COVID-19

India is an agro based economy with more than 50% population engaged in agricultural activities and they earn their livelihood in form of disguised labour. The essence of Indian agriculture is that being the Primary sector, still its contribution to the GDP is lowest as compared to secondary and Tertiary sector. The result is that farmers though fulfill the food security of the entire country are not able to fill their lives with happiness and prosperity.

They are either indebted or on the verge of leaving agriculture and moving to cities and town for working as migrant labour. The situation is even worse for migrant labourers and its for all of us to see their plight of having to walk thousands of kilometeres barefoot with no food water and safety. Its is our moral responsibility as a nation to see that the hands that feed us are not empty but is filled with abundance.


The battle is yet over :)

Amid the spread of Covid-19 there was a lock down for almost 2 months and still counting. The relief measure is given to the people who fall in any of the safe regions except than red and containment zones. I believe that the relief given is justified and essential for the overall functioning of the economy.

Poor labourers, farmers, small traders and vendors have not earned during the period of lockdown and have exhausted all their savings. Its is time that the start earning their livelihood and come out of this vicious circle of hunger and poverty. We as individuals belonging to the salaried class should make all out efforts to not only sustain ourselves but also the people around us.


The Calendar !

Calendar is the most important stationary item which we look forward to purchase at the end/beginning of a new year. Most of us go for colourful designs, scheduler, assignment tracker etc. The importance of calendar is very critical in all our lives as the first thing we see while planning something in future or looking backward is a wall hanging or table top calendar.

We plan, celebrate, forecast and predict the future events based on the days of the Calendar, especially when it comes to availing leave falling between a weekend or long holidays during pleasant weathers. I am sure we all must have looked in Calendar at-least once a week.


Yellow Colour !

A colour which is vibrant, cool and unique with a distinction of being suitable on very less occasions. I am referring to “Yellow”, a colour which you would ever want to wear as a shirt and never as a trouser. It not only looks awkward but also makes you feel the odd one out if you are wearing in public.

I have never purchased anything Yellow in my closet but I have seen people wearing that colour quite often, especially the females. It though looks quite good on them as well. It also looks quite decent and sober on hording and posters as well.


Creativity !

Its an art not science to think with a creative mind and yes you too can be creative, its within you just that you need to bring that out with regular practice by making yourself think out of the box. Creativity is a skill which can make our break your career, it can help you achieve your life goals and make you rich. The question is how to get that creativity out of your mind which is hidden since the time you were born.

I have been following many websites, YouTube Channels and read many books which have helped me to bring out my creativity into reality. It is a different feeling all together to think the way, you have always wanted to.


What do people want ?

Amid the outbreak of COVID 19 the most important and essential requirement for the people at large is the safety along with the fulfillment of necessities such as food, water, electricity, and home. But how many of us are lucky to get all, I am sure none of us. Everyone in some way or the other is exposing themselves to the deadly virus by either going to the office, or daily work to provide essential services, migrant workers walking thousands of kilometers to reach their home town without food, water, and roof on their head and Doctors and Police personnel, sacrificing their lives selflessly for the service of mankind.

The government as an immediate measure should tackle these basic and essential requirements of people before even thinking to revive the economy. The economy has already been hit hard and it is for us now to save our human capital, which is essentially going to build the economy again in the days to come. We need to reorient our approach and ensure them to be fulfilled on priority.


The Path to Recovery !

COVID-19 a global pandemic has disrupted the way people live and interact with the society. It has changed forever how we are going to feel as fellow human beings, our existence is under threat and its for the first time ever that the man who has reached Mars is not able to find a cure of this small virus. Whats is it that makes us so helpless ? Is it the forceful change that virus has brought in our lives or the fear of loosing our lives and others that keeps us stressed and anxious.

The uncertainty brought is not only dangerous for human mankind but also for the animal world. The only world which remains unaffected is the mother nature which has revived its fortune with clean air and water. The birds, rivers, ponds and farmlands are living a new life all together with happiness peace and prosperity.


World’s best writer !

Its a dream which I wish to fulfill with practice, persistence and proficiency. A long journey, which will develop the expertise to write great content with absolute class of perfection. I have started to live my dream by working everyday, a little, moving closer to my goal one inch a time. To write is a thoughtful exercise which makes you think and challenge the boundaries of your creative mind. Its more of a combination of skill with practice.

I have enrolled for several world class courses on writing which will help me to learn the art of writing. There are many things which I have already learned and have started to implement it as well in my daily writings. I am a follower of a simple concept of “Law of Compounding” which says anything which done regularly over a period of time will start showing exponential results.


Tik-tok vs YouTube ?

This is a burning topic of debate on all the social media circles which brings out the positives and negatives of both these platforms. Its difficult to bury anyone of them as less inferior or deserving only on the basis of the content they produce. Each one of them caters to a different class of people and provides instant source of entertainment to the masses. As we all know India is a socialist secular democratic republic with 1.2 billion people and most of them still live in the rural areas beyond the poverty and are uneducated.

These are the classes of people who also deserve the same level of attention and have their own right of entertainment. They may not be able to understand complicated scripts, dialogues and language of people who make quality content by investing lot of time money and resource. A fifteen second funny video which relates them with their culture, language and region will definitely have more connect and will appeal to wider audience.

I am also sure that with the passage of time, since social media is evolving the quality of content and its assimilation will get to be a better level.


The Lock down !

Its that time in the period of history which will be remembered for the sacrifice and resilience of human race. The whole world is fighting towards the menace of Corona, a deadly virus which leaves no one and kills most of humans. There are over Million people who have been infected of Corona. They are either dead or still undergoing treatment. Its a time when we all should come together and help not spread the virus further by following the best practices advised by doctors.

The period of Lock down means many different things to different people to some its may be boring, for some its may be the best time to spend with family for many it is the time to learn and develop a new skill. I have decided to make the most of this time and learn new things which will help me to achieve success over a longer period of time.